After 15 years, a forest, a pig and a giant tongue, Echo Park alternative arts space Machine Project is closing its doors

“Machine Project, says [its founder, Mark] Allen, seated amid the detritus of an upcoming posters exhibition, has been “about coalescing large groups of artists who weren’t represented by galleries and who weren’t being shown in museums.”
“After 15 years, that is coming to an end. On Jan. 13, the arts nonprofit will host its final event: a wrap party and poster sale, featuring the silkscreen exhibition fliers created over the entire life of the space.
“Allen, who teaches at Pomona College (and who ran a pair of informal artist-run spaces in Houston, where he lived before he relocated to L.A.), says it was time to move on.
“I saw this as an exploratory and research project,” he says. “It kind of emerges and shares knowledge and information and then dissolves so that the next thing can emerge.”
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