Barbara Stauffacher Solomon’s Utopia Myopia

Barbara Stauffacher Solomon (born 1928) is an American landscape architect and graphic designer, who is best known for her use of supergraphics that blend the rigor of Swiss modernism with the color and style of her West Coast sensibility. The result, seen most famously at Sea Ranch in Sonoma County, California, is formal but fun, modern architecture reshaped by color and form.

Her artistic career spans decades and disciplines (dance, painting, design, architecture, public art), but currently she is making books, cutting and pasting images and text onto 8.5 by 11 inch sheets of paper. These books include the memoir WHY? WHY NOT? 80 Years of Art & Design in Pix & Prose, Juxtaposed and the “academic adult comic book” UTOPIA MYOPIA: PLAYS ON A PAGE.

“It’s very hard at a certain point to be serious,” she says. “I’ve become seriously silly. I think that’s all you can do about anything these days.”