Fierce Battle Over Gentrification Rages In Boyle Heights

It has been a year since Nicodim Gallery had “F#ck White Art” spray-painted across its front shutters and sparked one of the most contentious moments between anti-gentrification protesters and gallery owners. This newscast, aired days following the incident, interviews several of the protesters and highlights the emotional response and concerns of the community.

“I’m definitely not condemning it,” says one protester about the graffiti on the doors. “I’m saying that this community has a right to resist this displacement by any means necessary and that’s what they are doing.”

“Progress,” begins Elizabeth Blaney, co-executive director of Union de Vecinos, “that results in displacement is not progress. That’s just the shuffling of people.”

“We need universal rent control,” she concluded.

The newscast ends bleakly, as the reporter points out the narrow amount of space for conversation between the gallery and protesters: “Just like art, the way some are expressing their fear may not be liked by all.”