James Broughton, “The Golden Positions” (ft. Anna Halprin)

“For her solo in “The Golden Positions,” filmed in the Divisadero Street space she was then using as a studio in San Francisco, Ann slips, slides, or crashed into a fall, all with deadpan calm as she repeatedly tries, and fails, to remain standing. In the final moments of the dance, she strips off her shoes, shirt and workman’s overalls. Then, crouching nude behind her shoes, neatly stretches herself out on the floor and disappears behind her shoes, a little mound of defeated flesh. Broughton said he had to persuade Ann to perform this comic dance for the camera, but after her initial resistance she was “very pleased to see herself being silly … Ann always wanted to do what nobody else was doing, and I think that was our great sympathetic core.” Source: Janice Ross, Anna Halprin: Experience as Dance 2009, UC Press.