House of Davids (audio slideshow)

“The House of Davids has been an L.A. landmark of sorts ever since singer Norwood Young put a line of statues in his yard in 1997,” writes the LA Times. “Now he’s selling. He’s done with the Davids. The well-known white house in Hancock Park is listed at $2.1 million. It has a pool, sauna and steam room, a home theater with a bar, six bedrooms and six baths and 19 Michelangelo’s Davids lined up along the curve of its front lawn.”
As Young explains in this audio slideshow, “Michelangelo’s David has a lot of meaning in my life. David represents a lot of who I am as a man. Dealing with sexual abuse, and all of the things I’ve dealt with, I’ve had to–as David–defeat Goliath, and many Goliaths in my life. Little did I know that, when I put up these statues of David in my neighborhood, that I’d have to slaughter those Goliaths as well.”