Stephen Perkins on “The Dumb Ox” magazine (1976–80)

The Dumb Ox, founded by James R. Hugunin and Theron Kelley, was a Los Angeles-based periodical in print from 1976–80.
In an interview with Stephen Perkins, Curator of Art for the Lawton Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Hugunin says, “Terry and I met in artist Carol Caroompas’s studio class at California State University, Northridge, in 1973. From that day onward, we were constantly in dialogue over issues concerning art and politics, rationalism and intuition. Often those debates worked themselves out in those early issues. Our first three issues were printed in tabloid format and that was when Terry (Theron Kelley) was the most influential on the publication’s direction.”
Image: The Dumb Ox Issue #5, edited by James R. Hugunin and Theron Kelley, 1977.